Xpertise Recruitment continues to grow it’s Derby Team!

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Xpertise Recruitment has welcomed another new team member to the Derby office. We wanted to find out a little bit more about the new team member and find out why they joined Xpertise Recruitment.

Meet Tom…

What can you tell us about yourself?

I grew up in Nottingham, but then moved around a lot in my 20s – I went to university in Bangor in North Wales, spent a year in Italy, another in London and another in France, but then the time came to move home, the call was too strong!

Now after I’ve been back in the Midlands for a couple of years building my market in Software Development, I have decided to join Xpertise to continue that journey and I’m buzzing for the challenge!

In my spare time I am a real sports fan and car enthusiast. You’ll likely find me in the great outdoors, on the sofa watching the football or smashing round a racetrack on the weekend.

 Why did you choose Xpertise and why recruitment?

After 2 and a half years at my previous company, it felt like the right time for a change and there was nowhere else which stood out to me as much as Xpertise. The reputation and relationships the business has built since it’s inception is a great selling point, and gives me a great platform to build the next stage of my career.

3 words to sum up your first week?

Exciting. Culture. Learning.

Interesting story about yourself?

Where do I start! Probably best to err on the side of caution with this one…I’m not someone who ever shies away from a challenge, and the one that stick in my mind was signing up to do the “Tough Guy” mud-runner challenge a couple of years back. Running through icy water and ducking electric shocks in minus temperatures in January isn’t an experience I’m keen to repeat! (That’s me inexplicably in the water while the others stroll past!)

If you could Travel to any place in the world, where would you go and why?

I love travelling and try to get away as much as possible. Probably the place I’d most like to visit at the moment is Sri Lanka – my partner and I had a 2-week trip booked last year before Covid hit and put the brakes on. So that’s definitely on the cards for 2022.

If you’re interested in joining an award winning team, check out our current vacancies on our career site!